NeuroSensa Objective Pain Assessment Logo

Revolutionary Selective Tissue Response Analysis Tools For

Objective Pain Assessment

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The Problem

We're using Outdated Pain Assessment Methods

The patient-reported pain scale is subjective and vague. Despite decades of pain research, the classic pain scale is still the most widely used method for assessing pain in the medical and veterinary industry.

Objective assessments are desperately needed!

Outdated Pain Assessment Methods
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The Solution

AI-Powered Real-Time Pain Assessment and Diagnosis with the NeuroSensa Nuemap™ and NeuroSensor™ Platform

NeuroSensa provides a solution for objective pain assessment using portable, non-invasive devices that measure skin conductance, reflecting sympathetic nerve activity. These real-time metrics are processed through machine learning algorithms and visualized on the NeuMap software, offering a dynamic 3D view of pain areas. This allows clinicians to adjust treatments in real time, with AI-assisted assessments aiding in quicker, more accurate diagnoses.

NeuroSensa Nuemap™ and NeuroSensor™ Platform
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The Devices

The NeuroSensa Epi-Scan P-Series Devices

Existing methods of pain analysis, such as X-rays and MRIs, are cumbersome and expensive because they require large, complex equipment, involve radiation exposure, and capture pain data at isolated moments in time. These methods are often time-consuming and provide limited insight into the dynamic nature of pain. In contrast, the NeuroSensa P-Series devices are portable, cost-effective, and non-invasive. When combined with the dynamic visualization and AI-driven analytics of the NeuroSensa software platform the result is superior accuracy and objective reports that allow clinicians to adjust treatments instantly, making it a more efficient and effective solution.

>NeuroSensa Epi-Scan P-Series Pain Assessment Devices
Existing methods vs the P200
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The Platform

The world's first objective visualization of pain!

The NeuroSensa platform software, NeuMap, connects with NeuroSensa’s pain assessment devices to provide real-time, objective pain tracking. It visualizes pain data as a 3D representation of the body, helping clinicians identify and monitor pain areas over time. The software processes metrics through advanced machine learning algorithms, allowing for dynamic pain assessment and tracking patient progress. It also supports customizable workflows, integrates with other systems, and aids in diagnosis by correlating device-generated data with patient-reported pain levels. This enhances treatment decisions with real-time feedback and AI-assisted insights.

NeuroSensa Nuemap™ Software

Track and Analyze Patient Recovery Over Time.

The NeuroSensa platform tracks and analyzes patient recovery over time by continuously collecting data from its devices during each patient visit. It monitors skin conductance and other pain-related metrics, which are visualized on a dynamic 3D body map. The platform allows clinicians to evaluate pain trends, such as averages, medians, and ranges, across different time points. By correlating device-generated pain data with patient-reported pain levels, it helps track recovery progress and adjusts treatment plans in real-time, providing a clear view of improvements or setbacks throughout the recovery process.

NeuroSensa Nuemap™ Software Tracker
NeuroSensa Nuemap™ Software Treatment Timeline
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The Research

Case Studies and Validation

NeuroSensa has conducted several research studies to validate its pain analysis device. These studies used the device to measure skin conductance in patients with various pain conditions. Results consistently showed increased conductance in painful regions, correlating with patient-reported pain levels. For example, a case control study demonstrated heightened conductance in patients with neck and shoulder pain compared to healthy controls. A proof-of-concept study confirmed that fluctuations in skin conductance strongly correlated with self-reported pain levels. The device has been tested in different conditions, including nerve injuries and post-surgical pain, consistently providing objective evidence of pain through its real-time analysis of sympathetic nerve activity.

NeuroSensa Case Study - Validation Case

01 Validation Case

A 30-year-old female with a history of lumbar discectomy at L4-L5 experienced persistent pain following surgery, rated at 3/10 on the Numeric Rating Scale. Using the P-100 device and the NeuroSensa platform, increased activity was detected in her lower back, particularly around the spine and surgical scar. The visualization of her pain provided by the platform was a powerful moment for the patient, who expressed emotion and relief, stating, "I've never been able to visualize my pain like this." This objective assessment helped validate her pain experience and offered valuable insight for further treatment.

NeuroSensa Case Study - Confirmatory Case

02 Confirmatory Case

A middle-aged female with a five-year history of right clavicle achiness and muscle spasms, following an injury from a golf ball, sought relief after several inconclusive X-rays and MRIs. Despite reporting a 0/10 pain level on the Numeric Rating Scale (NRS), she continued to experience discomfort. The NeuroSensa platform, using the P-100 device, detected increased activity over her right clavicle and neck muscles, confirming the presence of injury that other imaging methods had failed to identify. This objective validation helped to accurately pinpoint the source of her discomfort and guide further treatment.

NeuroSensa Case Study - Legal Case

03 Legal Case

A patient with a saphenous nerve injury developed reflex sympathetic dystrophy (RSD), but Workers' Compensation disputed the diagnosis. Using the P-100 device and the NeuroSensa platform, objective evidence of RSD was provided, confirming the diagnosis. This data also supported the medical necessity for spinal cord stimulation as a treatment. As a result, the patient successfully won a six-figure settlement, thanks to the objective validation provided by the NeuroSensa platform.

NeuroSensa Case Study - Actionable Insight

04 Actionable Insight

A male runner experienced pain on the side of his knee. Using the P-100 device and the NeuroSensa platform, it was revealed that the actual source of pain was above the knee. This actionable data led to a targeted treatment plan, including acupuncture focused on the area above the knee. As a result, the patient experienced significant relief and was able to run a marathon pain-free, an outcome that would not have been achieved without the precise insights provided by the device.

Trials and Pilot Studies

NeuroSensa has conducted several trials and pilot studies to validate its pain assessment technology. One case control study compared patients with neck and shoulder pain to healthy controls, showing increased skin conductance in painful areas. Additionally, proof of concept studies demonstrated significant correlations between device readings and patient-reported pain levels. For example, a study with 150 subjects confirmed the link between skin conductance fluctuations and pain, while a controlled trial in patients with craniofacial pain showed reduced conductance following targeted treatment. Another study revealed higher conductance in areas with prior injuries, further supporting the device’s ability to objectively measure and track pain.

NeuroSensa Trials
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Equine Applications

NeuroSensa Objective Pain Assessment for Equine and Veterinary

Revolutionary Technology

NeuroSensa has the potential to revolutionize pain assessment in the equine and broader veterinary industries by providing an objective and real-time method for identifying and tracking pain in animals, particularly horses. Traditionally, assessing pain in horses has been challenging due to their stoic nature, relying onsubjective methods like physical prodding and behavioral observation. NeuroSensa's technology offers a breakthrough by using its V-100 device to pinpoint the exact locations of injuries or dysfunctions in real-time. This objective data allows veterinarians to quickly identify areas of concern, monitor recovery, and adjust treatments dynamically.

Solution for an Industry Wide Problem

The platform's ability to provide actionable insights with minimal stress to the animal can significantly reduce diagnosis time, treatment costs, and improve the overall care for equine athletes and other animals. This innovation addresses a major industry-wide problem, enabling professionals to provide more accurate, efficient, and humane care for horses.

Neumap™ Equine Software